Republica Moldova ar urma să procure mai multă energie electrică din România, după 1 ianuarie 2025, în special în cazul în care Centrala termoelectrică din regiunea transnistreană /MGRES/ va opri livrările, transmite MOLDPRES.
This article announces that Romania will supply significantly more electricity to Moldova after January 1, 2025, particularly if the MGRES power plant in Transnistria stops exports.
Key points:
* Increased imports: Notably, Energocom, Moldova's energy procurement company, will buy three times more electricity from Nuclearelectrica (Romania's nuclear power plant) – 100 MW daily, compared to 30 MW in December 2024.
* Additional sources: 100 MW will also be procured from the Brazi Thermal Power Plant in Romania, and up to 200 MW can be bought on the OPCOM energy exchange.
* Supporting infrastructure: Moldova's capacity to import electricity (NTC) will be increased through support from the EU, ENTSO-E, and other neighboring countries. This will allow Moldova to utilize unused capacity and connect with Romania's 110 kV transmission lines.
* Diversification: Moldova also aims to cover its energy needs through domestic production and renewable sources.
This agreement illustrates Romania's commitment to supporting Moldova's energy security.
This article announces that Romania will supply significantly more electricity to Moldova after January 1, 2025, particularly if the MGRES power plant in Transnistria stops exports. Key points: * Increased imports: Notably, Energocom, Moldova's energy procurement company, will buy three times more electricity from Nuclearelectrica (Romania's nuclear power plant) – 100 MW daily, compared to 30 MW in December 2024. * Additional sources: 100 MW will also be procured from the Brazi Thermal Power Plant in Romania, and up to 200 MW can be bought on the OPCOM energy exchange. * Supporting infrastructure: Moldova's capacity to import electricity (NTC) will be increased through support from the EU, ENTSO-E, and other neighboring countries. This will allow Moldova to utilize unused capacity and connect with Romania's 110 kV transmission lines. * Diversification: Moldova also aims to cover its energy needs through domestic production and renewable sources. This agreement illustrates Romania's commitment to supporting Moldova's energy security.